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Our oocyte bank

Bank Director "Wan-Jung, Ashley, Hsieh"

Ashley has worked at another biotech company for a long time, and she came to Hsinchu city because of her husband's job transfer. It was very lucky to have Ashley at Stork Fertility Center, since she was a very energetic and optimistic team member. Ashley started her work here as both a consultant and embryologist. That's why she understood the feeling and psychological stress of these female friends. She stayed at the embryology lab for eight years, and was very familiar with the clinical side of IVF.

When she began to take charge of the oocyte donation, she found that so many people were eager to have their own babies, but no own "eggs" could be used. The requirement of documentation and matching process would provide her a chance to connect with the case tightly. She loved to be a "pen-pal" of these female friends, sometimes, even overseas friends.

She knew that being the egg recipient could be a dilemma to the couple. And, deciding to donate the eggs to the anonymous couple was a big thing for a young woman as well. It was not common in the traditional Chinese society, but it was the easier way to start a family for some couples (compared to adopted the children in Taiwan).
Thus she worked hard on this field, and finally helped the Stork Fertility Center to build its own oocyte bank.

The oocyte bank efficiently shortens the entire oocyte donation program, since the available oocytes were already cryopreserved and ready to be matched. Ashley now are the mother with two lovely kids, and she hope that all the women could as luck as her family.

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