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A home-run in a seven-year game

I was crying when I saw the result of pregnancy test, since I have waited for these "two lines" at least seven years.

I came from Mainland China.

In 1999, I met my now husband at first time. Five years later, we started our relationship, and got married in 2008. I still remembered that our city held the Olympic game then (2008 Bejing Olympic). I was 25, and he was 26. We decided to start our family immediately, and got a positive result of pregnancy test few months later. The specialist of OBGYN gave me some progesterone medication to stabilize the uterine endometrium. However, it was gone eventually, and the doctor said it was spontaneous abortion.

I took rest for three months, and started to try again in the beginning of 2010. It became so hard this time, and I went to the hospital again for some examines. The doctor found that my fallopian tubes were both blocked, and showed slightly endometriosis. I did both modern and herbal treatments, but still had no good news. From June 2011 to October 2014, I consequently took IUI and IVF for eight cycles, but all were failed. I repeated daily injections, hormone tests, oral medication, and embryo transfers, and hope that it would get successful every time. Day by day, my faith became weaker and weaker. The doctor told me that my AMH value was only 0.43 ng/ml, and he finally encouraged me to take a donation program.

I totally rejected this suggestion. (I tried to ignore that I have heard this option.) A baby from donated oocytes? Is the baby still "my own baby"? I even considered to leave my husband, because I loved him so much. Maybe it would be another way to let him have his own children. Fortunately, He was patient and calm, trying to change my mind. 

Then we went to a big hospital for donation consultation together. They said the mating process would take 5-10 years. (!!!) I was 31 years then. Shall I
 wait for that until I was 40s?

One of my Taiwanese colleague recommended me to consult Taiwanese fertility centers. That's why I called to Stork Fertility Center. The matching time was much shorter than that in Mainland China, and it would take around 1-2 months. My personal agent at center arranged me to complete some documentations and sperm cryopreservation. Soon after, an appropriate donor was matched, and our own embryos were cryopreserved. Before the embryo transfer, I underwent hysteroscopy and hystersalpingography to check the uterine environment.

The donor gave us 19 mature eggs, and eight blastocysts derived. Two embryos were thawed and transferred, and they were graded as 4BB and 4BC.

We stayed in Taiwan around one more week, and I got a positive test result 15 days after transfer. I was crying, because I have waited for our baby at least seven years. I still remembered the outcome of my first pregnancy, and thus I was very nervous in the following weeks. The pregnancy symptoms were severe this time, and I went to hospitals almost every week. I felt that I got stronger and stronger, just like my own baby.

In the end of 2015, it was a more important day than our marriage day.

We have twin girls. One was 2.25kg, and the other was 3 kg.

And we finally became the parents.
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