The secrets of pregnancy
August 07, 2015
Sperm is the smallest cell in human body, and oocyte is the biggest cell.
length of head=5~6μm
width of head=2.5~3.5μm
length of neck=1.5x of head length
length of tail=45μm
length of sperm cell=55~60μm
diameter of oocyte(includes zona)=150μm
volume of oocyte=180x of sperm
A thousand of sperms are produced by testes every second; 500,000,000 of sperms are ejaculated; 200 sperms are capable to meet the oocyte in the tube; only one sperm is able to fertilize the oocyte.
The average value of total progressive sperm count decreases in nowadays. Around 200,000,000 are ejaculated.
Pregnancy is calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). It would take about 40 weeks before delivery.
The duration of pregnancy is around 280 days (~ 9 months).
The calculation of your expected day of delivery (EDD):
Month: month of your LMP-3
Day: day of your LMP+7
e.g. 2015/12/1 -> 2016/9/8
More than half of embryos cannot develop on their own and an abortion can occur spontaneously in the first three weeks of pregnancy. Most people are not aware of the spontaneous abortion, and the general symptoms are delayed menstruation and heavy menstrual blood.
It is called as very early abortion and is hard to be diagnosed.
Month: month of your LMP-3
Day: day of your LMP+7
e.g. 2015/12/1 -> 2016/9/8
More than half of embryos cannot develop on their own and an abortion can occur spontaneously in the first three weeks of pregnancy. Most people are not aware of the spontaneous abortion, and the general symptoms are delayed menstruation and heavy menstrual blood.
It is called as very early abortion and is hard to be diagnosed.
The development of brain starts from the first three week of pregnancy and so does the neural tube.
Folic acid uptake is recommended to avoid neural tube defects.
Folic acid uptake is recommended to avoid neural tube defects.
After 22 days of embryo development, the heart starts beating.
It is around 5 weeks of pregnancy, and the division of embryo cells is fast. The embryo with high rate of cell division is sensitive to environmental factors. It is dangerous to expose the pregnancy women to any hazardous substances.
It is around 5 weeks of pregnancy, and the division of embryo cells is fast. The embryo with high rate of cell division is sensitive to environmental factors. It is dangerous to expose the pregnancy women to any hazardous substances.
After 8 weeks of pregnancy (10-week embryo), the fetus have all the organs, but their development are not complete.
By transabdominal ultrasound, the fetal profile is observed and the total length is around 3.5 cm.
By transabdominal ultrasound, the fetal profile is observed and the total length is around 3.5 cm.
The fetus is unable to breathe in the uterus. She can get the oxygen and nutrients through the placental interaction.
It is called as feta-placental interaction.
Pregnancy requires dramatic changes in blood flow (increase ~50%), and it is to support the growth of your baby.
It is normal to have mild anemia during pregnancy. If you have severe anemia during pregnancy, it was caused by low iron, or low vitamin levels, or other genetic problems.
It is normal to have mild anemia during pregnancy. If you have severe anemia during pregnancy, it was caused by low iron, or low vitamin levels, or other genetic problems.