Give thanks in all circumstances (Egg donation)
August 03, 2015
The 3S women (Single、Seventies [born in the 1970s]、Stuck) are both intelligent and independent. They bravely pursue for excellent success in their career and professions, but always forget to think about their marriage.
—She is a 3S woman and fortunately met the Mr.Right in her forties. Her appearance is still young and beautiful, but the ovaries is becoming to decline.
I married to a Japanese when I was 42 years old. My husband really likes kids and we hope that we could have a baby as soon as possible. But the problem is my age and irregular menses. When the doctor said that my AMH is only 0.16 ng/mL, which is approximate to the value in the menapause period, I started tearing up. Then I went home and tried to calm myself down.
In the next few days, I did so much online works, trying to figure out this problem. I suddenly found that egg donation is the only solution. However, egg donation was illegal in Japan, and thus I turned back to search for this service in my home country, Taiwan. I selected five popular fertility centers in Taiwan and made appointments for all of them. During the long vacation in Japan, I went back to Taiwan to "interview" all the candidates.
Eventually, I was impressed by Stork fertility center and made the decision after discussing with my husband. He came to cryopreserve the semen sample and also was surprised by the museum-like circumstances. He really appreciated that Taiwanese government provides the donation service and expected Japanese government to reconsider this necessity.
We didn't wait our donor for a long time. When I was suffering with my menopausal symptoms, my donor finished her donation program already. We were really grateful to hear that this lovely girl gave us eight embryos with wonderful appearances, frozen in the liquid nitrogen. My thoughtful agent and specialist instructed me step by step, including the exams for fallopian tubes and uterus. We hope that the precious embryo could implant into a cozy environment.
One of the advantages of freezing-embryo was that I could came back to Taiwan when I was totally free from my business. Probably because of the well preparation, I got my positive pregnancy test after the first cryotransfer. In this October, our little baby is coming to join this family, and I am going to celebrate my 44-year birthday as well.
We are lucky to have our own baby that soon. I strongly encourage those women who have a similar ovarian reserve result with mine to be open-minded to egg donation, and then you would enjoy being a mother soon.