Double stimulation (Duo-OPU)
May 24, 2017
— Continuous stimulation and oocyte retrieval during both the follicular and luteal phases of poor responders in IVF/ICSI programs can increase the obtained oocytes per menstrual cycle
Accordingly, it was believed that more than one follicular wave in a single menstrual cycle:
The mild stimulation or nature cycle protocols were used in both the groups,
According to the results, the obtained mature oocytes (MII oocytes) per cycle were significant higher in duo-stimulation group (mean 2.83) compare to single-stimulation group (mean 1.53) (p=0.001).
In conclusion, duo-stimulation statistically significantly increasing the obtained oocytes per menstrual cycle compare to single-stimulation and resulted in similar IVF outcome in patients with reduced ovarian response. Our study suggests this novel stimulation strategy will help poor responders to collect more mature oocytes within a single menstrual cycle.
The abstract was released in the 2017, Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction annual congress. (2017 ASPIRE)