How long can my eggs remain frozen?
November 11, 2015
After I have made up my mind to do egg freezing, what information I should know about this technique?
1. Longer the storage is, lower the success rate of thawing egg is?
At Stork Fertility Center, the mature eggs (MII stage) would be vitrified and then stored in the liquid nitrogen, which performs a -196℃ circumstance to stop biological activity in the cells. The previous scientific reports showed that no significant relations exist between long-term storage and quality of thawing eggs based on the stable circumstance and reliable freezing/thawing techniques. — a record-breaking case can be seen here: Monica Zapotoczny
2. If the techniques are workable, how long can I store my eggs?
According to the Taiwan Assisted Human Reproduction Act, there is no time limit to the autologous egg freezing. However, the donated eggs (or sperms) should be used in 10 years. The fresh and frozen eggs displayed similar clinical outcomes, so the storage time is just depended on the individual schedules.
3. If I am menopausal, can I use the donors' frozen eggs?
The uterine status and menstrual cycles can be regulated by the external hormones. Thus the success rate of thawing eggs is related to the maternal age of the donated egg rather than the age of the egg recipient — An oocyte recipient at the Stork Fertility Center got healthy twins by using the donors' eggs, and she was already 62 years old!