Stork Diary.
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Selfless Love

by Drace

One day, we received a phone call from an English teacher inquiring about the procedures and health requirements needed before qualifying as an oocyte donor. I informed her that though our clinic is always on the look-out for potential donors, a meticulous screening process would first be conducted for pre-selection. In the next few days, she would keep calling us to ask for more details, once even spending 6 hours in long commute to us confirming her needed egg quality in order for it to be suitable for the program.

Her relentless calls made me wonder if she has any deeper reasons for wanting to become a donor so badly and this made me very curious to meet her personally. Even on the day of her appointment to visit the clinic, she still called us to re-confirm the time and place. Surprisingly, when she finally arrived, she looked very serene and calm – not at all nervous or frazzled. Despite her long commute and empty stomach, she never showed an ounce of irritation or impatience while waiting for her turn. We all thought that she must indeed have a very important motive for being here.

As it turned out, she has made a personal promise to God to do everything in her power to help others in return for the improvement of her mother’s health. She has been looking for new ways to give back to society aside from donating blood – which she does regularly – when she stumbled on our donor program. Any fees or monetary benefits she gets from donating a part of herself are generously donated to charities.

Like my colleagues, I was very touched by her tale and her unbelievable commitment to such a wonderfully profound life mission. We all hope that her spirit of love and sharing can be passed on to all the lucky recipients of her donated eggs. May the next generations she has helped produce be just like her – a person of strength who knows how to be grateful for all her blessings and who is willing to sacrifice for the sake of helping people.

We will all never forget such a unique individual – one who seems to be God’s angel on earth.

Insights from Dr. Lai

It is very seldom that we come across people who are truly kind without any ulterior motives. Sadly, these people are sometimes even laughed at and branded as ‘crazy’ or ‘stupid’ for going out of their way to help others. This cynicism only makes stories like the above all the more precious – stories of remarkable compassion that inspire us to become better people. ‘The all-knowing God sees the things men do.’ All of us here at e-Stork Reproductive Center feel blessed to have played a part in her vision.

We all feel very thankful to Ms. Drace who has discovered such a beautiful story – a living testament of the existence of true goodness. To be able to have a hand in propagating her spirit of love is a great honor. I’m sure if the recipients of her donated oocyte realize the origin of her story, they will also feel very lucky.

Reading this story, I have learned never to judge people based only on first impressions. There might be a hidden meaning to their words or actions that we will not be able to understand without taking the time to know them better.
Stork Fertility Center Stork Fertility Center Author